International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
E-ISSN: 2349-7300Impact Factor - 9.907

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Online Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 12 Issue 5 September-October 2024 Submit your research for publication
Volume 2 Issue 4 July-August 2014

List is in ascending order of publish date, from oldest to newest.

Transforming Pharmacy Technician Duties: The Role of Automation and Technology Advancements
Author(s): Abdulaziz H. Alkhathami, Ibrahim M. Hagawi, 3Mohammed N. Alshammari, Sami H. Alenazi
Country: Saudi Arabia
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13291422
The Benefits of a Centralized Pharmacy over a Satellite Pharmacy in Large Hospitals
Author(s): Hamza Alsamannoudi, Abdulaziz Alamri, Ahmad Bawazeer, Tariq Almotiri, Sattam Alharbi, Delyal Alshammari, Bader Alnasser, Hani Alswayeh
Country: Saudi Arabia
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13483226
Aspect and Emotion Classification of Restaurant Reviews
Author(s): Mr. D. K. Kirange, Smt Shubhangi D Patil
Country: India
Provincial and Village administration in Ancient India.
Author(s): Rabia Siddika
Country: India
Mutual Fund and Risk Management: An Indian Prospective
Author(s): Gururaj P.Chapparbandi
Country: -