International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
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Booming Simulated Classes in Teaching Cuisine Assistances to the Range Decreased

Authors: Mr Anthony


Abstract: The reliant on variable includes in the study is to find out the efficacy of Virtual classes especially to individual with Hearing Impairment ranging between the age group of 15 to 25 . Posttest was conducted using the specification developed by the investigator. Intervention was given through virtual classes on teaching basic cookery skills, in which the individual is taught about simple recipes through demonstration of the recipes along with sign language. This study ultimately made everyone to participate and gain knowledge regarding the basic procedure and preparation of recipes with the help of simulated classes and it was also very helpful to the teachers to make the individual focus at the class even at her absence. Because of an attractive and interactive window the discrete is made to engage in acquisition of knowledge with minimal distractions. Thus virtual classes can bring wonders in of the individuals especially for individuals with Hearing loss and it also make them to get focused in his/her learning task.

Keywords: Virtual Classes, Cookery Skills, Virtual Class Room, Hearing Impaired and Differently-abled Cooking

Paper Id: 45

Published On: 2018-05-11

Published In: Volume 6, Issue 3, May-June 2018

Cite This: Booming Simulated Classes in Teaching Cuisine Assistances to the Range Decreased - Mr Anthony - IJIRMPS Volume 6, Issue 3, May-June 2018.

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