International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
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Snowballing Safety and Strength in Traffic Controlling Environments using WSN

Authors: Shital Domadiya, Prof Anjali Bhatt


Abstract: Vehicular Traffic is swelling rapidly which leads the traffic management system inefficient. This is realised with the steady increase in Traffic Congestion and rising number of daily road accidents. WSN based Traffic control system has emerged as a best way to monitor traffic, Traffic Safety, Vehicular Warning System, Road State Monitoring services etc. WSNs are very trendy due to their faster transfer of gen, easy installation, less maintenance, compactness and for being less expensive compared to other network options. This paper presents a review of current Traffic management schemes for priority-based signaling, and reducing congestion. The main objective of this proposed research is to provide taxonomy of different traffic management schemes used for avoiding congestion and existing Traffic management schemes for the avoidance of congestion, increasing robustness and providing priority to emergency vehicles increasing Safety of Traffic Controlling circumferences.

Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, WSN, Emergency Vehicle Priority, Traffic Congestion, Priority-based Signalling, Traffic Control System

Paper Id: 55

Published On: 2018-05-11

Published In: Volume 6, Issue 3, May-June 2018

Cite This: Snowballing Safety and Strength in Traffic Controlling Environments using WSN - Shital Domadiya, Prof Anjali Bhatt - IJIRMPS Volume 6, Issue 3, May-June 2018.

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