International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
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Call for Paper Volume 12 Issue 2 March-April 2024 Submit your research for publication

Enlightening Impact of the Bediya (Snake Charmers) Communal in Bengal, India

Authors: Mr Ajay Trivedi


Abstract: The study area conducted on the Bediya community. The Bediya tribes lived in the rural village Nimo-Malpara in East Burdwan district in West Bengal, India. This Bediya communities peoples are known as snake charmers or sapuria (Bengali local term). The snake charmers people are belonging to the Scheduled Tribe (S.T) and their sub-caste is Bediya. Their traditional occupations are snake catch and charming. The catch snakes keep them in the basket and breed them love and with care. And carrying them in the baskets slinging from their shoulders, they wander from one locality to another place to entertain the masses showing their pet snakes playing to their enchanting tunes, folk song and live out of doles received from their patrons. The villagers are offered to the snake charmers some rupees, rice and other some foods etc. Their lives style belonging to the semi-nomads group. The low level income are can’t support for their child education. At that time to see the snake charmers peoples are interested to their child education. Basically to see the snake charmers women are variously involved to their children education. Their child’s are go to the ICDS centre, primary school, and secondary school. And some cases to see the children’s dropout from the primary and secondary school.

Keywords: Semi-nomads, Occupation, Education, Dropout

Paper Id: 69

Published On: 2018-05-11

Published In: Volume 6, Issue 3, May-June 2018

Cite This: Enlightening Impact of the Bediya (Snake Charmers) Communal in Bengal, India - Mr Ajay Trivedi - IJIRMPS Volume 6, Issue 3, May-June 2018.

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