Volume 7
Issue 6
November-December 2019
List is in ascending order of publish date, from oldest to newest.
Author(s): Dr. Ceguri Pradeep Kumar
Country: India
Author(s): Swe Swe Latt, Leela Anthony, Lau Hui Ting, Lim Soo Ping, Lim Ying Xin, Lim Vi-Vian, Ooi Jia Yi
Country: Malaysia
Author(s): Varun Garg
Country: USA
Author(s): Gomathi Shirdi Botla
Country: USA
Author(s): Priyanka Taranekar
Country: United States
Author(s): Mahaboobsubani Shaik
Country: India
Author(s): Dr. K. Govind, K. R. Brundhavan
Country: -
Author(s): Shruti Kudagi, Dr Naveenkumar Jayakumar
Country: -
Author(s): Shreya Gondchawar, Jyoti Gupta, Vandita Ahire, Pavan Jagadale, Dr.Y.B.Gurav
Country: -
Author(s): Prakashkumar R. Thakor, Dr. Bharat Rojasara
Country: India
Author(s): Nishanth Reddy Mandala
Country: USA
Author(s): Sethu Sesha Synam Neeli
Country: USA
Author(s): Swe Swe Latt, Leela Anthony, Inn Kynn Khaing, Wong Yong Jin, Li Sin Yeh, Maxmillian Chia Ka Cheng, Lee Wei Kang
Country: Malaysia
Author(s): Abhinav Balasubramanian
Country: USA
Author(s): Charan Shankar Kummarapurugu
Country: USA
Author(s): Sourabh Kulkarni
Country: USA
Author(s): Chandra Prakash Singh
Country: USA
Author(s): Bhanuprakash Madupati
Country: USA
Author(s): Puneet Sharma
Country: USA
Author(s): Sameer Panda, Girish Deshmukh, Swapnil Gadgil, Prof. Sonal Fatangare
Country: -