International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
E-ISSN: 2349-7300Impact Factor - 9.907

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Online Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 12 Issue 5 September-October 2024 Submit your research for publication

Publication Guidelines

Prospective authors are invited to submit original research papers in standard format (as mentioned below) describing new theoretical and/or experimental research, which is not sent for consideration for publishing elsewhere and not already published elsewhere. Submissions will be judged on the below mentioned criteria. Authors/researchers should read, must follow and adhere to the website/journal policies.

Steps for Submitting and Publishing Research Paper

  • Authors are advised to follow the APA style for writing and formatting research papers. They can analyze the already published research papers from our archive for an overall idea for style, formatting and various sections. Authors can see the full procedure / steps of publication on "How to Publish a Research Paper" page.
  • Authors can fill the online form to submit research paper.
  • First author will get research paper submission acknowledgment email after submitting research paper. (If they do not get the email within a few minutes then please let us know. Authors are advised to check spam folder as well.)
  • We have double-blind peer review process. The research paper is assigned for peer review to one of our editorial board members.
  • The research paper could be accepted or rejected based on various criteria. The following criteria are observed and points are calculated (out of total 10) for each criteria:
    1. Relevance of Title and Research Article
    2. Scholarly Quality
    3. Continuity in the Article
    4. Use of Theory
    5. Novelty and Originality
    6. Technical Contents and Correctness
    7. Understanding and Illustrations
    8. Critical Qualities
    9. Quality of References
    10. Clarity of Conclusions
  • The research papers are first overviewed for grammatical and spelling mistakes. Authors will be asked to make changes if grammatical or spelling mistakes are found. The research papers are not reviewed for the above criteria until we receive corrected revised research paper.
  • It could take 3-4 days to review a short and not much complex research, while reviewing long and/or complex research could take a week or more. Notification email is sent to the 1st author after reviewing.
  • If the research paper is accepted for publication then in the notification email of review, payment details are provided and authors are asked to make payment for publication fee and/or DOI fee and/or fee for print & mail of hard-copy of their publication certificate and their research paper.
  • After making payment, authors need to download, read, fill in, save and submit the Agreement of Publication and Proof of Payment through the Upload Documents page.
  • After receiving payment and the agreement of publication, they will be verified; and the research paper is published on successful verification. The verification of payment and agreement could take 1-2 days, while time of publication of research paper depends on number of pages and formatting required. Formatting and publishing a research paper having 4-5 pages would take 2-3 days, but research paper having lots of pages and/or requiring lots of formatting would take several days as we allot fixed time every day for each research paper.
  • When a research paper is published, e-certificates (digital certificates) for all the authors are sent along with the publication notification email. Authors can also download the digital certificate of publication for their published research papers from track status page.
  • If authors have paid for print & mail of hard-copy of their publication certificate and their research paper then it will be mailed within 2-3 days. Authors may be provided tracking id to track the courier.

Our journal is complying with I4OC for greater exchange of knowledge, to support openness and enhance discoverability of published content.

Authors are encouraged to provide their ORCID iD when submitting research paper. It is advisable to register on ORCID if author(s) has/have not already. After registering on ORCID, a unique id will be generated known as ORCID iD which looks like this: 0001-1234-5678-9012

Flow Chart - Review & Publication Process

How to Publish a Research Paper - Flow Chart - Review & Publication Process