Electric Moped with Swappable Batteries
Authors: Saurabh Gabhale, Rahul Gaikwad, Bhushan Karamkar
Country: India
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Abstract: The main aim of this project is to present the idea of harnessing the various energy and use it in today's existence of Human life. For human being travelling has become vital. In order to sustain in this fast forward World, he must travel from place to place. It is very important that time taking for travelling should be less, also it should be economical and easily available. With the fast depleting resources of petrol and diesel, there is need to find intermittent choice. Taking all this into account, a shift away from conventional based fuels to using a Renewable source of Energy is a must. Electric bike which will be driven with the help of battery and thus provide required voltage to the motor. This bike can be driven with the help of electricity. Therefore, the manufacturing of such bike is indispensable.
Keywords: electric bike, electric moped, battery powered, electric vehicle
Paper Id: 1109
Published On: 2021-07-18
Published In: Volume 9, Issue 4, July-August 2021
Cite This: Electric Moped with Swappable Batteries - Saurabh Gabhale, Rahul Gaikwad, Bhushan Karamkar - IJIRMPS Volume 9, Issue 4, July-August 2021.