International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
E-ISSN: 2349-7300Impact Factor - 9.907

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Call for Paper Volume 13 Issue 1 January-February 2025 Submit your research for publication

Fingerprint Ignition System & Keyless Entry via Fingerprint

Authors: Rushikesh Vallakati, Paresh Sawale, Ruturaj Kavitke, Rushikesh Deokar, Prof R G Janunkar

Country: India

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Abstract: Biometric systems have overtime served as robust security mechanisms in various domains. Fingerprints are the oldest and most widely used form of biometric identification. A critical step in exploring its advantages is to adopt it for use as a form of security in already existing systems, such as vehicles. This research work focuses on the use of fingerprints for vehicle ignition, as opposed to the conventional method of using keys. The prototype system could be divided into the following modules: fingerprint analysis software module that accepts fingerprints images; hardware interface module and the ignition system module. The fingerprint recognition software enables fingerprints of valid users of the vehicle to be enrolled in a database. Before any user can ignite the vehicle, his/her fingerprint image is matched against the fingerprints in the database, while users with no match in the database are prevented from igniting the vehicle. Control for the ignition system of the vehicle is achieved by sending appropriate signals to the parallel port of the computer and subsequently to the interface control circuit. The developed prototype serves as an impetus to drive future research, geared towards developing a more robust and embedded real-time fingerprint-based ignition systems in vehicles. After testing of the overall designed project, the results obtained were satisfactory. Hence, the approach adopted in this study can be applied to various systems and fields such as banks, attendance system management in school, hotels, homes and so on.

Keywords: Fingerprint Ignition System, Biomatric, Keyless Entry in Vehicles, Vehicle Security, Anti-theft System

Paper Id: 1113

Published On: 2021-07-18

Published In: Volume 9, Issue 4, July-August 2021

Cite This: Fingerprint Ignition System & Keyless Entry via Fingerprint - Rushikesh Vallakati, Paresh Sawale, Ruturaj Kavitke, Rushikesh Deokar, Prof R G Janunkar - IJIRMPS Volume 9, Issue 4, July-August 2021.

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