IoT Evolution in Romanian Agriculture
Authors: Șerban Daniel-George, Lungu Emanuela, Trifan Daniela
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Abstract: Agriculture plays a crucial role in Romania's economy, which accelerates the search for ways to maximize production yield and profit. The latest technological breakthroughs in communication have translated into a more advanced and efficient agricultural sector that now has a greater online presence than ever before. Therefore, the new challenges facing agriculture are not just environmental ones, as in the past, when weather was a more powerful variable. The new challenge is posed by a fully technological world. In this paper, we explore various applications of IoT in agriculture and examine their evolution in Romanian agriculture.
Keywords: Smart Agriculture, IoT, Internet of Things, Digital Transformation
Paper Id: 3.115
Published On: 2024-01-23
Cite This: IoT Evolution in Romanian Agriculture - Șerban Daniel-George, Lungu Emanuela, Trifan Daniela - IJIRMPS Special Issue - International Conference on Trends & Innovations in Management, Engineering, Sciences and Humanities (January 2024). DOI 10.37082/IJIRMPS.ICTIMESH-23.15