Smart Agriculture and Drip Water Flow System
Authors: Gughapriyan D.
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Country: India
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Abstract: In recent days everything depends on smart technology. Irrigation system is also becoming smart by using modern technologies, which is more advantageous rather than the traditional methods. In this paper, a smart irrigation system is developed that automates the irrigation process with the help of solar power. This proposed system can optimize the use of water based on different data, such as soil moisture. It will also notify its owner about the current condition of the soil and motor through GSM technology. This proposed model can automatically turn ON and OFF the motor pump by sensing the moisture content of the soil depending on the demand of water in the field. A moisture sensor is used to collect data (soil moister level) of a particular area. The motor will automatically turn OFF after fulfilling the demand of water and get turns ON again when the field becomes dry. GSM technology is used to send the update (ON/OFF) of a motor to the farmers. The whole proposed system is controlled by an Arduino. Here, DC power is generated from the solar panel. All these features will make irrigation system much smarter and economical
Keywords: Arduino, Charge Control Circuit, GSM Technology, Irrigation System, Moisture Sensor, Solar Panel, Water Pump
Paper Id: 1381
Published On: 2022-11-11
Published In: Volume 10, Issue 6, November-December 2022
Cite This: Smart Agriculture and Drip Water Flow System - Gughapriyan D. - IJIRMPS Volume 10, Issue 6, November-December 2022. DOI 10.37082/IJIRMPS.v10.i6.1381