School Heads Digital Competency amidst COVID-19 Crisis
Authors: Analiza B Tanghal, Jerwin S Tanghal
Country: Philippines
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Abstract: The school head plays a vital role in the school, education and learning processes. A well-informed school leader with a vision will work hard to find a solution to the many challenges or problems that their school faces. This study focuses on the digital competency of school principals in the Cabanatuan City Division conducted during the first quarter of the 2020–21 school year. Profiles of school principals included variables such as age, gender, years of service, position, and educational attainment. The Jeong-Bae Son questionnaire was modified and used in this study to assess the digital competency of school principals. According to the findings, school leaders from various backgrounds are digitally competent. That their competence was beneficial to the school and the entire school community, and that it was very important in carrying out the duties of a school principal. As recommended by this study, school principals should expand their digital competency training and skill set. As a result, they must continue to develop provisions that will provide teachers with opportunities to improve their digital technology skills.
Keywords: School Head, Digital Competency, Technological Skills
Paper Id: 1474
Published On: 2022-04-20
Published In: Volume 10, Issue 2, March-April 2022
Cite This: School Heads Digital Competency amidst COVID-19 Crisis - Analiza B Tanghal, Jerwin S Tanghal - IJIRMPS Volume 10, Issue 2, March-April 2022.