Correlation of Performance of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Completers, Life-long Learners and Senior High School (SHS) Graduates
Authors: Liziel T Latoja
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Country: Philippines
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Abstract: This study aims to carry out the factors affecting students’ academic performance of senior high school (SHS) graduates, Alternative Learning System (ALS) completers and life-long learners enrolled at a State University, Philippines during the academic year 2019-2020. 310 freshmen from the different academic programs were asked to self-evaluate their study habits, personal condition and attitudes towards school and make personal assessment on the impact of home environment, school environment and lecturer/instructor to their academic performance. Furthermore, their academic performance was measured based on their first semester GPA. Attitude is a significant factor for some students (but not all who are under study) that affects their performance; study habits and personal condition are not an important variable in this situation. However, students should be encouraged to develop effective study habits as some experts have discovered; neglecting to do so might lead to poor academic achievement. Furthermore, it appears that some factors, which are not limited by personal background, may influence habits, and as a result, negatively or favorably effect academic achievement. External factors such as family, school and instructors had no meaningful correlation with the respondents' academic achievement.
Keywords: Academic Performance, ALS Completers, Life-long Learners, SHS Graduates, Study Habits
Paper Id: 1482
Published On: 2022-04-23
Published In: Volume 10, Issue 2, March-April 2022
Cite This: Correlation of Performance of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Completers, Life-long Learners and Senior High School (SHS) Graduates - Liziel T Latoja - IJIRMPS Volume 10, Issue 2, March-April 2022. DOI 10.37082/IJIRMPS.2022.v10i02.017