Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on Financial Performance: A Study of Selected Mergers and Acquisitions in Indian Corporate Sector
Authors: Gururaj. P. Chapparbandi
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Abstract: This paper studies the impact of mergers and acquisition on financial performance of selected mergers and acquisition in Indian corporate sector. It evaluate the pre and post merger performance of the merged companies using value added metrics of corporate performance such as Economic Value Added, Market Value Added and Return on net worth and analyze financial performance through Ratios. Taking 26 mergers between 2005 to 2010 because to have minimum 3years pre and post merger data to evaluate the financial performance of merged and acquired companies. The presents study is mainly based on secondary data.
Keywords: Merger and Acquisition, Financial Performance, Economic Value Added (EVA), Market Value Added (MVA), Return on Net Worth
Paper Id: 1619
Published On: 2016-04-09
Published In: Volume 4, Issue 2, March-April 2016
Cite This: Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on Financial Performance: A Study of Selected Mergers and Acquisitions in Indian Corporate Sector - Gururaj. P. Chapparbandi - IJIRMPS Volume 4, Issue 2, March-April 2016.