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Dynamics and Problems of Agriculture in Himachal Pradesh

Authors: Anil Kumar

Country: India

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Abstract: The agricultural sector of the Himachal Pradesh has more than 45% contribution in its economy in terms of the state's domestic product. The entire population of the state more or less depends directly upon the agriculture of Himachal Pradesh. The major portion of the revenue earning in the state's economy is carried out by the cash crops in the Himachal Pradesh agriculture. The chief food crops cultivated in Himachal Pradesh agriculture include wheat, maize, rice, barley, seed-potato, ginger, vegetables, vegetable seeds, mushrooms, chicory seeds, hops, olives, and fig. Himachal Pradesh is also known as the 'Apple State of India' for its large-scale production of fruits. Farmers have engaged themselves highly in the fruit cultivation and it is also a great blessing to the economy of the state. Himachal Pradesh agriculture provides employment to around 71% of the working population in the state. The agricultural sector and the allied sector generate a revenue of nearly 22.5% of the gross State Domestic Product. The farming community of the state holds an area of 9.99 lakh hectares which is run by 8.63 lakh farmers out of the total geographical area of 55.673 lakh hectares. Around 84.5% of the total land held by the farming community of Himachal Pradesh are owned by the small and marginal farmers. Only 10.4% of the total geographical area of the state is cultivated and about 8% of the area experiences rainfall.


Paper Id: 1639

Published On: 2016-04-11

Published In: Volume 4, Issue 2, March-April 2016

Cite This: Dynamics and Problems of Agriculture in Himachal Pradesh - Anil Kumar - IJIRMPS Volume 4, Issue 2, March-April 2016.

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