Policies and Strategies of Industrial Sector in Himachal Pradesh
Authors: Anil Kumar
Country: India
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Abstract: In the era of liberalisation and globalisation the flow of investment depends upon the friendly attitude and approach towards the investors. The regulatory and control regime must give way to one, which is promotional and facilitative. The statutory provisions, rules, regulations and procedures relating to grant of approvals at the state level for setting up of industrial units, permission for purchase of land for industrial use need to be comprehensively reviewed. The existing infrastructure facilities are inadequate to meet the requirement of new investment. Therefore, it requires significant effort to improve the infrastructure for the swift expansion of industrial sector in Himachal Pradesh At this juncture, the state has to respond to the new challenges, and adequately deal with factors which would be relevant in the next millennium. Through the successive industrial policies and other investor friendly measures, the state has been striving to accelerate the flow of investment into industrial sector. It has also been extremely conscious about attracting more investment into the backward areas with the aim of achieving equitable development of the state.
Paper Id: 1641
Published On: 2018-10-19
Published In: Volume 6, Issue 5, September-October 2018
Cite This: Policies and Strategies of Industrial Sector in Himachal Pradesh - Anil Kumar - IJIRMPS Volume 6, Issue 5, September-October 2018.