α-Functionally Substituted α,β-Unsaturated Aldehydes as Fine Chemicals Reagents: Synthesis and Application
Authors: S.K. Mishra
Country: India
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Abstract: α-Functionalized α,β-unsaturated aldehydes is an important class of compounds, which are widely used in fine organic synthesis, biology, medicine and pharmacology, chemical industry, and agriculture. Some of the 2-substituted 2-alkenals are found to be the key metabolites in plant and animal cells. Therefore, the development of efficient methods for their synthesis attracts the attention of organic chemists. This review focusses on the recent advances in the synthesis of 2-functionally substituted 2-alkenals.
Keywords: α-functionally Substituted α,β-unsaturated Aldehydes, Organocatalysis, Aldol Reactions, 2-functionally Substituted 2-alkenals
Paper Id: 1665
Published On: 2022-05-18
Published In: Volume 10, Issue 3, May-June 2022
Cite This: α-Functionally Substituted α,β-Unsaturated Aldehydes as Fine Chemicals Reagents: Synthesis and Application - S.K. Mishra - IJIRMPS Volume 10, Issue 3, May-June 2022.