Analysis of Materials for Tibia Tray Component of Artificial Knee Joint
Authors: J Srinivas
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Abstract: This paper presents basic stress analysis at the bone-implant interface in total knee replacement using finite element modeling. The tibial component of the joint consisting of an insert, base, bone cement and cortical bone is modeled as a two-dimensional skeleton. Various material combinations of the tibial base component are considered to test the bone-cement interface stresses. In addition to conventional Ti alloy and Co-Cr-Mo, the material of tibial base is considered as a functionally graded material (FGM) made-up of Ti metal-ceramic combination with varying volume fractions. By treating all the materials as isotropic and linearly elastic, the von-Mises and shear stresses are obtained using two-dimensional finite element analysis. Results reveal that the FGM base material provides uniform stress distribution characteristics.
Keywords: Bio-materials, Finite Element Analysis, Interfacial Stresses, Tibial Insert
Paper Id: 18
Published On: 2014-03-15
Published In: Volume 2, Issue 2, March-April 2014
Cite This: Analysis of Materials for Tibia Tray Component of Artificial Knee Joint - J Srinivas - IJIRMPS Volume 2, Issue 2, March-April 2014. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/TW6SF