Impact of Service Quality Dimensions on Customers’ Satisfaction, Retention and Loyalty: An Empirical Evidence from Commercial Banks in Kerala
Authors: E Ashraf, Dr.K.Venugopalan
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Country: India
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Abstract: Abstract - The performance of service organization should be measured continuously to achieve competitive edge and this is possible through providing quality service by any organization. The quality of customer service determines the extent of customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction leads to customer retention and loyalty. This paper attempts to assesses the quality of service, from the perspective customers and analyze its impact on customer’ satisfaction, retention and loyalty from commercial banks in Kerala. And also determine the main factor that effects the customer satisfaction towards banking service. SERVQUAL model introduced by Parashuranman in 1988 has been used to measure service quality. This study is of descriptive an analytical nature based on the primary data collected from customers of commercial banks (public and private sector) in Kerala. A structured questionnaire has been used to collect primary data. 150 questionnaire were distributed randomly to the customers of commercial banks (public and private sector) located in Kozhikode (A district of Kerala). The results of this study revealed that service quality dimensions of empathy, responsiveness, assurance and reliability have direct and significant impact on customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction have positive influence both on customer retention and loyalty. The dimension of empathy has the greatest impact on customer satisfaction, customer retention and loyalty, then responsiveness, assurance and lowest in reliability; while the effect of the dimension of Tangibility does not have any significant impact on customer satisfaction.
Keywords: Service quality, customer satisfaction, customer retention, customer loyalty.
Paper Id: 217
Published On: 2016-10-01
Published In: Volume 4, Issue 5, September-October 2016
Cite This: Impact of Service Quality Dimensions on Customers’ Satisfaction, Retention and Loyalty: An Empirical Evidence from Commercial Banks in Kerala - E Ashraf, Dr.K.Venugopalan - IJIRMPS Volume 4, Issue 5, September-October 2016. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/Q4V2Z