IoT based Forest Fire Detection and Prevention
Authors: Maneesha Shaik, Nizamuddin Shaik, Yashwanth Thukka, Arshadulla Shaik, A.Y. Vishnuvardhan
Country: India
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Abstract: This paper presents a survey on fire detection and alert system based on the Internet of Things (IoT). Here, a specific environment is monitored 24×7 and the user is alerted in case of any fatal situation. This can be implemented using a NodeMCU and a number of sensors for detecting different physical parameters that can go high during a fire-related accident. NodeMCU is an Internet of Things (IoT) based controller board with an on board wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) module called ESP8266. Here two parameters are being monitored continuously - temperature and presence of smoke. Nowadays, there are many incidents happening about smuggling of trees, like Sandalwood, which are very expensive and rare in nature. This project design uses two different sensors namely fire sensor (to detect forest fires) and smoke sensor (to detect fire). Data generated from these sensors is continuously monitored by the forest officials with the help of ThingSpeak server. With respect to the sensors, their output devices are activated through relay switch. For all these sensors, a buzzer is activated when their conditions are violated.
Paper Id: 230090
Published On: 2023-05-03
Published In: Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023
Cite This: IoT based Forest Fire Detection and Prevention - Maneesha Shaik, Nizamuddin Shaik, Yashwanth Thukka, Arshadulla Shaik, A.Y. Vishnuvardhan - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023.