Project Online Work Tracking System
Authors: Jayshri Mahajan, Shrddha Bhor, Rushali Sanap, Kajal Mahale
Country: India
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Abstract: Project management system will help College, Institute to manage their project work and the review the work of ongoing projects. This project system will uses all the concepts which are used theoretically in software engineering. All the calculation methods such as all project model has been implemented under this system. This system will help project managers to analyze the problems of a particular project and identify how to start up and fix its time periods and the cost involved in the overall development of a particular project. The system also help the project managers to select various type of built in scraps which are developed previously and can be used in the present ongoing project which can reduce the development period. This system has built in ability to record working time period ongoing projects such as number of days involved in documentation, in designing etc. It will help to identify project Domains, how many numbers of users are involved in particular project and on what module currently they are working. Project Members has the authority to set time limit for working on particular module and the users have to submit the work on limited time. This system also facilitate to work on agile method which help the project members to complete the taken project on time with more accuracy. Our project basically focuses on providing an environment that will help how develop the projects for learners. The architecture of – Project Management System encompasses of system specifications and an actual working application based on Web Based platforms. – Project Management System will also import Engineering learning contents from Oxybrain Technology Pvt Ltd. The system will also provide Web based – Project Management System, The framework will include Cognitive Science Research Implementations carried out recently at Oxybrain Technology Pvt Ltd by the prodigies in the field of education.
Paper Id: 230148
Published On: 2023-05-19
Published In: Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023
Cite This: Project Online Work Tracking System - Jayshri Mahajan, Shrddha Bhor, Rushali Sanap, Kajal Mahale - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023.