E-portal for the Farmers
Authors: Pratiksha A. Thakare, Rutuja D. Nikam, Pranjal S. Khokale, Pooja J. Kale, R.B. Padit
Country: India
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Abstract: Agriculture is an important sector in Indian economy and can cause a spike in Indian GDP which can be achieved by providing information about the suitable conditions for planting crops, knowledge about the optimum utilization of natural resources. This Application is built for farmers involved with Farming and Cultivation, and aids in solving many tasks of different complexity. This software will help the farmer from soil testing to selling their production. This Increases the chances of production which will help in increasing India’s GDP. As this Application is made for farmers it enables the farmers to sell the production online and helps them not to restrict themselves to the local market and also enables the wholesalers and retailers to expand their business. This Application provides a Disease Detection module so that farmers can get solutions to disease in minutes to few. Along with that there will be a section for government policies, agriculture information, career information, etc. by which farmers can stay updated to new information and technologies. Smart innovations make their business comfortable, predictable, confident and more profitable. Agronomy software makes the farming process easier, covering a wide spectrum of agricultural activities: soil testing, e-commerce, loss prevention, information of cultivation.
Keywords: Agriculture, Farming, Cultivation, Import, Export, Fertilizers
Paper Id: 230158
Published On: 2023-05-21
Published In: Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023
Cite This: E-portal for the Farmers - Pratiksha A. Thakare, Rutuja D. Nikam, Pranjal S. Khokale, Pooja J. Kale, R.B. Padit - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023.