IoT Based Smart Farming Monitoring System for Bolting Reduction in Onion Farms
Authors: Pushpak Gavali, Akshay Gend, Darshana Birari, Ruchita Garad, Kunal R. Ahire
Country: India
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Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT), a well-known branch of computer science has introduced smart farming to each and every farmer’s neighborhood while offering constructive green agriculture. IoT depicts a self-configuring chain of components. The efficient implementation helps agriculture, a self-discipline as nicely as reducing human work and increasing crop cultivations. In onion farming, bolting is an insidious phenomenon that occurs in onion plants due to fluctuations in environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and light intensity. Due to bolting, the flowering stem of an onion plant is produced before the crop is harvested, resulting in a poor-quality harvest and yield. Therefore, from a farmer’s perspective, it is highly desirable to monitor and control the environmental factors to avoid bolting. In this paper, we propose and design a new prototype, namely, a smart farming monitoring system (SFMS) for bolting reduction, which is based on the generic three-layered IoT architecture. By using IoT (Internet of Things) technology and careful remote monitoring, a more favorable environment can be provided to reduce and avoid onion bolting. To analyze the efficacy and performance of the proposed SFMS, a real test-bed implementation was carried out. The SFMS prototype was installed both in the open and in a greenhouse environment to monitor onion crops. Based on the data received via sensors, the percentage of onion bolting was recorded as 16.7% in the open environment while 3% in the closed environment. In the closed environment, optimal temperature, humidity, and light intensity were provided to the onion crops using the SFMS. For this reason, the percentage of onion bolting was reduced from 16.7% to 3%, consequently yielding better onion production. Moreover, the SFMS is a low-cost, easy-to-install solution that is developed with locally available hardware and resources, and we believe that this new solution can transform conventional onion farming into a more productive and convenient smart farming in the region.
Keywords: IOT, DHT11, NodeMCU
Paper Id: 230181
Published On: 2023-05-27
Published In: Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023
Cite This: IoT Based Smart Farming Monitoring System for Bolting Reduction in Onion Farms - Pushpak Gavali, Akshay Gend, Darshana Birari, Ruchita Garad, Kunal R. Ahire - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023.