International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
E-ISSN: 2349-7300Impact Factor - 9.907

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Call for Paper Volume 13 Issue 1 January-February 2025 Submit your research for publication

Mobile Activity Monitoring System using Android Spy

Authors: Vaishnavi Shardul, Shubham Chaudhari, Aniket Ozarkar, Ankita Pendharkar, N.R. Wankhede

Country: India

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Abstract: Android mobiles are everywhere in the world these days, but if we con- sider a field like the IT industry, Organization, education, business in these sectors are done by all employees with their Android mobile phones many activities. Each company, organization has its own policies, rules, future projects, so in such cases, an employee of the organization must maintain privacy, security and confidentiality. So it is very important monitor their mobile phones to see if they are leaking confidential data or if they are making bad calls, bad SMS, or crossing out the geographical area of the organization during working hours. Another thing is so many criminal cases it happens like child abduction, so to avoid all this, we have to track the location of the child’s mobile. After considering all these factors, we implemented the “Mobile Activity Monitoring System using Android Spy”. This system is implemented to monitor the daily activity of users with their android mobiles. The information like missed call, incoming call, outgoing call, call duration, incoming SMS, outgoing SMS along with its date and time will be tracked and updated on the server this server will be monitored by the administrator. This information may be maintained for organizational security purposes such as leakage of confidential data and maintaining the organization’s policies. Another thing that this system consists of is a location alert if any of the users cross the specified geographical area the organization will be immediately sent a notification to the manager’s mobile phone in the form of an e-mail. This is very useful system administrators to track any user in the organization using their personal information and where they exist via GPS. By tracking such information, an organization can improve its performance at work.

Keywords: Android, GPS, Tracking

Paper Id: 230194

Published On: 2023-05-30

Published In: Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023

Cite This: Mobile Activity Monitoring System using Android Spy - Vaishnavi Shardul, Shubham Chaudhari, Aniket Ozarkar, Ankita Pendharkar, N.R. Wankhede - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023.

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