A Personal Information Management using Block Chain
Authors: Shubhankar Kanore, Aditya Yadav, Sawid Deshmukh, S.V. Mahale
Country: India
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Abstract: The recent increase in reported incidents of surveillance and security breaches compromising user’s privacy call into question the current model, in which third-parties collect and control massive amounts of personal data. Disclosure of user’s personal data is a serious breach of privacy. Traditional database storage options have proven to be quite inefficient in protecting such sensitive data. Records can be stolen and tampered with on cloud based services. Our system proposes a decentralized system of storing user personal data using a novel technology, Block chain. Block chain technology has thus far been able to prevent unauthorized access with its secured cryptographic algorithms and its immutability makes the data tamperproof. We are creating the smart system which is based on data ownership, data transparency, auditability and fine-grained access control. According to the results of this study, countries where national data protection authorities have the power, and the resources, to enforce data protection laws in a consistent and predictable manner represent a positive institutional environment for organizations. In these contexts, organizations are more likely to develop a strong privacy culture, which is a necessary condition to adopt fair information practices and respect data subject’s rights. We are storing personal data using block chain to avoid unauthenticated modifications and data stealing, Block chain provide features to overcome the draw backs of existing system.
Keywords: Decentralized Dystem, Blockchain, Access Control
Paper Id: 230196
Published On: 2023-05-30
Published In: Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023
Cite This: A Personal Information Management using Block Chain - Shubhankar Kanore, Aditya Yadav, Sawid Deshmukh, S.V. Mahale - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023.