Fake Product Review Monitoring System
Authors: Priyanka Jadhav, Tushar Jagtap, Pratiksha More, Vaishnavi Shelke, S.N. Bhadane
Country: India
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Abstract: Online reviews and comments after product sales have become very important for making buying and selling decisions. Fake reviews will affect such decisions due to deceptive information, leading to financial losses for the consumers. Identification of fake reviews has thus received a great deal of attention in recent years. However, most websites have only focused on dealing with problematic reviews and comments. Amazon and Yelp would only remove possible fake reviews without questioning the sellers who could continue posting deceptive reviews for business purposes. In this paper, we propose a method for the detection of fake reviews based. We first analyze the characteristics of review data using a crawled Amazon China dataset, which shows that the patterns of review records for products are similar in normal situations. In this method, we first extract the review records of products to a temporal feature vector and then develop an isolation forest algorithm to detect outlier reviews by focusing on the differences between the patterns of product reviews to identify outlier reviews. We will verify the effectiveness of our method and compare it to some existing temporal outlier detection We will also study the impact caused by the parameter selection of the review records. Our work provides a new perspective of outlier review detection and our experiment demonstrates the effectiveness of our method.
Keywords: Online Product Review, Product Review, SVM
Paper Id: 230199
Published On: 2023-05-31
Published In: Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023
Cite This: Fake Product Review Monitoring System - Priyanka Jadhav, Tushar Jagtap, Pratiksha More, Vaishnavi Shelke, S.N. Bhadane - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023.