Yoga Posture Detection and Correction System
Authors: Snehal Gorakh Kasture, Kalyani Kailas Aher, Nikita Manik Gangurde, Ankita Shankar Satpute
Country: India
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Abstract: Yoga is an ancient science and discipline originated in India 5000 years ago. It is used to bring harmony to both body and mind with the help of asana, meditation and various other breathing techniques It bring peace to the mind. Due to increase of stress in the modern lifestyle, yoga has become popular throughout the world. There are various ways through which one can learn yoga. Yoga can be learnt by attending classes at a yoga center or through home tutoring. It can also be self-learnt with the help of books and videos. Most people prefer self-learning but it is hard for them to find incorrect parts of their yoga poses by themselves. Using the system, the user can select the pose that he/she wishes to practice. He/she can then upload a photo of themselves doing the pose. The pose of the user is compared with the pose of the expert and difference in angles of various body joints is calculated. Based on this difference of angles feedback is provided to the user so that he/she can improve the pose.
Keywords: Image Processing, OpenCV, CNN
Paper Id: 230201
Published On: 2023-05-31
Published In: Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023
Cite This: Yoga Posture Detection and Correction System - Snehal Gorakh Kasture, Kalyani Kailas Aher, Nikita Manik Gangurde, Ankita Shankar Satpute - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023.