Generating Smart E-challan System for Violation of Traffic Rules
Authors: Harshad Nikam, Harshal Patil, Ashwini Ghodeswar, Siddhant Rajput, Amol Gosavi
Country: India
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Abstract: Motorcycles have always been the primary mode of transportation in developing countries. Motorcycle accidents have increased in recent years. One of the main reasons for fatalities in accidents is that a motorcyclist does not wear a protective helmet. The most common way to ensure that motorcyclists wear a helmet is by traffic police to manually monitor motorcyclists at road junctions or through CCTV footage and to penalize those without a helmet. But it requires human intervention and effort. So this system proposes an automated system for detecting motorcyclists who do not wear a helmet and retrieving their motorcycle number plates from CCTV video footage. First, the system classifies moving objects as motorcycling or non-motorcycling. In the case of a classified motorcyclist, the head portion is located and classified as a helmet or non-helmet. Finally, for the motorcyclist identified without a helmet, the number plate of the motorcycle is detected and the characters on it are extracted by using the OCR algorithm. E-challan will also be generated with offender details. A database will be generated with records to identify every offender accurately. The system implements pure machine learning in order to identify every type of helmet that it comes across with minimum computation cost.
Keywords: YOLO V3, Tensorflow, OpenCV, Selenium Web Driver
Paper Id: 230212
Published On: 2023-06-04
Published In: Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023
Cite This: Generating Smart E-challan System for Violation of Traffic Rules - Harshad Nikam, Harshal Patil, Ashwini Ghodeswar, Siddhant Rajput, Amol Gosavi - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023.