Planning of Signal Free Junction
Authors: Ajit Warungase, Sachin Joshi, Khushabu Kadam, Nishant Ghegade, Sahil Kale
Country: India
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Abstract: Underground structures have been widely adopted and used in construction of infrastructure in urban area in India for the last 5-10 year. Traffic congestion is a severe problem in India. To provide more freely flow of traffic at major road or highway intersection having high traffic volume a solution of grade separation or interchange is, generally executed by the responsible authority. For economical reason, overpass is usually the first option although it gives more visual and obstruction impact to the people over an underpass option. In some particular cases, underpass with 7-8 m excavation depth would be designated as the alternative because of its more environmental friendly option and tends to be preferable in the near future for urban area. Whilst deep bored tunnel is considered not feasible for this case due to size, more land occupancy, long approaching section and cost. This subway is provided in baba petrol pump to API corner. The main purpose of this subway is to achieve the signal free junction in this area as this area is more important area of the city. It provides the better approach to the passenger. The subway has friendly nature to the atmosphere. Easy to construct as it includes the excavation, retaining wall, slab etc. The 1:15 slope has been provided to the road which is suitable for all type of traffic. And the slab has 20 ft height due to that the containers, trucks can easily pass through it. This subway is constructed by understanding the need of all type of vehicles. The proper ventilation is provided if any accidental case occurred in the subway.
Keywords: -
Paper Id: 230236
Published On: 2023-06-27
Published In: Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023
Cite This: Planning of Signal Free Junction - Ajit Warungase, Sachin Joshi, Khushabu Kadam, Nishant Ghegade, Sahil Kale - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023.