Model of Cryptography System by using Vigenere Cipher and Polybius Cipher
Authors: Amita V. Shah, Pooja Shah
Country: India
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Abstract: Cryptography, derived from a Greek word, is the art of safeguarding information by transforming it into an intricate and unreadable format. It encompasses both mathematics and computer science. The exponential growth of the Internet has raised awareness about concerns related to privacy and uncertainty. Despite security being a significant concern over the internet, numerous applications have been developed and designed without considering the fundamental objectives of data security, namely confidentiality, authentication, and protection. As our daily activities increasingly rely on data networks, understanding these security issues and challenges becomes crucial. Cryptography is necessary to prevent unauthorized access to data by undesirable users or individuals. This paper presents a novel hybrid security cipher that combines two vital ciphers: the Polybius Cipher and the Vigenère Cipher. This hybrid encryption cipher offers enhanced security compared to traditional ciphers.
Keywords: Encryption, Cryptography, Polybius Ciphers, Vigenere Ciphers
Paper Id: 230339
Published On: 2022-11-11
Published In: Volume 10, Issue 6, November-December 2022
Cite This: Model of Cryptography System by using Vigenere Cipher and Polybius Cipher - Amita V. Shah, Pooja Shah - IJIRMPS Volume 10, Issue 6, November-December 2022.