International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
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Call for Paper Volume 12 Issue 6 November-December 2024 Submit your research for publication

Attitude of Parents Towards Homework Assignments at the Elementary Level: A Study in the Mirzapur District

Authors: Surya Prakash Pathak, Dr. Deepak Kumar

Country: India

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Abstract: Homework assignments play a crucial role in education, and understanding parents' attitudes toward homework is essential for effective implementation. This study investigates parents' attitudes toward giving homework at the elementary level in the Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh, India. By examining diverse perspectives, this research provides insights into the beliefs and practices that shape the effectiveness of homework assignments. The study employed a survey method, and a sample of parents from ten different schools within the Mirzapur district participated. A questionnaire collected data on parents' attitudes toward homework assignments. The questionnaire consisted of items that assessed parents' agreement, indifference, or disagreement with homework assignments at their child's school. The results depict the attitudes of parents towards homework assignments in different schools. The data reveals variations in attitudes, with some schools showing higher percentages of agreement while others exhibit a more mixed response. These findings contribute to the existing literature on parents' attitudes toward homework and highlight the need for collaboration between educators and parents to optimize the benefits of homework assignments for students. By considering parents' perspectives, educators can design homework policies and practices that align with the expectations and needs of students and their families. Further research could explore factors influencing parents' attitudes towards homework, such as cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. Additionally, conducting similar studies in other districts and regions would provide a more comprehensive understanding of parents' attitudes toward homework assignments in the broader context of Indian education.

Keywords: homework assignments, elementary level, parents' attitudes, Mirzapur district, survey method

Paper Id: 230444

Published On: 2022-01-21

Published In: Volume 10, Issue 1, January-February 2022

Cite This: Attitude of Parents Towards Homework Assignments at the Elementary Level: A Study in the Mirzapur District - Surya Prakash Pathak, Dr. Deepak Kumar - IJIRMPS Volume 10, Issue 1, January-February 2022.

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