Technician Workforce Optimization and Skill Diversification
Authors: Maqboul Aali Alghamdi, Abdulrahman Mohammed Alqethami, Majed Abdallah Alzahrani, Mohammed Nasser musfer alqahtani, ssam saeed alshehri, Fatimah Abbas Alsada
Country: Saudi Arabia
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Abstract: In the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, optimizing the technician workforce has become a strategic imperative for healthcare organizations. As the scope of practice for technicians expands and the demand for efficient and high-quality care delivery increases, there is a growing need for skill diversification and competency development among technicians. This paper explores the concept of technician workforce optimization through the development of combined or hybrid pharmacy-nursing technician training programs, cross-training initiatives, and credentialing pathways. It examines the roles of nurse coordinators in leading technician competency development initiatives, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and ensuring the successful implementation of workforce optimization strategies. By leveraging the synergies between pharmacy and nursing technician roles, healthcare organizations can enhance operational efficiency, improve patient outcomes, and meet the evolving demands of the healthcare system.
Keywords: -
Paper Id: 230759
Published On: 2020-02-02
Published In: Volume 8, Issue 1, January-February 2020
Cite This: Technician Workforce Optimization and Skill Diversification - Maqboul Aali Alghamdi, Abdulrahman Mohammed Alqethami, Majed Abdallah Alzahrani, Mohammed Nasser musfer alqahtani, ssam saeed alshehri, Fatimah Abbas Alsada - IJIRMPS Volume 8, Issue 1, January-February 2020.