A Study Regarding Attitude Towards Sselection of Fabric for Apparel and Surface Ornamentation Among Selected Respondents
Authors: Dr. Rajeshri Yadav
Country: India
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Abstract: The present study is based on survey method to check Attitude of selected respondents towards selection of fabric for apparel, ornamentation of fabric and reason for selecting particular material. The home maker and gainfully employed women respondents of Ahmedabad were selected for sample. Selected both respondents group select low cost and easily to maintain fabric but home makers buy when it needed and gainfully employed buys according colour and comfort, both groups like plain fabric for apparel more than ornamentation.
Keywords: Apparel, Fabric, Clothing
Paper Id: 231171
Published On: 2014-03-04
Published In: Volume 2, Issue 2, March-April 2014
Cite This: A Study Regarding Attitude Towards Sselection of Fabric for Apparel and Surface Ornamentation Among Selected Respondents - Dr. Rajeshri Yadav - IJIRMPS Volume 2, Issue 2, March-April 2014.