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Provincial and Village administration in Ancient India.

Authors: Rabia Siddika

Country: India

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Abstract: Indian administration, as we know, has its evolution that can be traced back to the 5000 years old Indus Valley Civilization wherein the King was all powerful and everything in the Kingdom was carried out in his name. He was assisted by a council of ministers, and also other functionaries and officers in administering the Kingdom. In other words, in the ancient times, powers of administering the Kingdom were centralized in the institution of KingIndia's administrative system has evolved over time, with various administration systems in place at various times.Excavations have led scholars to the conclusion that the Indian valley civilization of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa had a systematic government, which
was obviously very important in an age when communication was slow and industrialization was unknown. This is the earliest reference to the Indian valley civilization.In the ancient Indian world, towns played a minor role where as province played major role administrator;When describing the prosperity of the kingdom Jatakas, they proudly include a large number of prosperous villages, but they are oblivious to the existence of town and cities that may have flourished there. The Vedic hymns
frequently pray for the prosperity Of the villages, but they rarely pray for the prosperity of the towns and cities.As has been demonstrated, the Vedic era was character.However, a systematic model of administration came in with the coming of the Mauryan and Gupta dynasties. Both the dynasties had elaborate governmental machineries that carried out state functions in a highly organized manner. The
Unit therefore tends to discuss the administrative systems that prevailed during these dynasties.The crucial role that the village headman played in the village's management is documented in both the Jatakas and the Arthasastra.

Keywords: province, Village, Gram, Administration, Council.

Paper Id: 231182

Published On: 2014-08-14

Published In: Volume 2, Issue 4, July-August 2014

Cite This: Provincial and Village administration in Ancient India. - Rabia Siddika - IJIRMPS Volume 2, Issue 4, July-August 2014.

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