Data Security Management
Authors: Mayur Patil
Country: India
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Abstract: Data security management has emerged as one of the critical domains in the age of growth that is brought in by digital growth. Primarily, this is because the scale of data and the complexity involved in cyber threats have exponentially increased. This also has come to a stage where organizations, governments, and others have increasingly resorted to storing, processing, and managing sensitive information through digital systems. It has therefore become ever so important to have robust security mechanisms to safeguard it from unauthorized access, breaches, and loss. This paper delves into the complex issues surrounding data security management. It approaches critical elements, strategies, and technologies to spell out data encryption, access control, cybersecurity frameworks, and the law. Emerging trends such as AI, ML, and blockchain are also highlighted to enhance data security; the paper ends by instilling best practices and recommendations for organizations to enable proper data security strategies in today's dynamic threat landscape.
Keywords: Data Security, Cybersecurity, Data Breaches, Encryption, Access Control, AI, Blockchain, Legal Regulations, Risk Management.
Paper Id: 231231
Published On: 2024-09-24
Published In: Volume 12, Issue 5, September-October 2024
Cite This: Data Security Management - Mayur Patil - IJIRMPS Volume 12, Issue 5, September-October 2024.