The Significance of Effective Communication between Pharmacists and Patients
Authors: Mohammed khamees Al Otaibi, Abdullah Omar Albedah, Bassam Ali AlDuwairij, Ma’an Mohammad Ali Altaf, Mansoor Abdulrahman Alghazi, Sultan Marwaee Meashi
Country: Saudi Arabia
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Abstract: Effective communication between pharmacists and patients is crucial in ensuring positive health outcomes, medication adherence, and patient satisfaction. This essay explores the significance of communication in pharmacy setting and its impact on patient care. The study emphasizes the importance of clear and accurate information exchange, building trust, and addressing patient concerns. The methodology involved a review of relevant literature from reputable sources, which offered insights into the best practices for enhancing communication skills. The findings revealed that improved communication can lead to better medication adherence, increased patient satisfaction, and reduced healthcare costs. However, limitations such as language barriers and time constraints were identified, along with recommendations for overcoming these challenges. Overall, the discussion highlights the critical role of effective communication in promoting patient-centered care and enhancing the pharmacist-patient relationship.
Keywords: Effective Communication, Pharmacists, Patients, Medication Adherence, Patient Satisfaction, Healthcare Costs
Paper Id: 231356
Published On: 2015-07-07
Published In: Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2015
Cite This: The Significance of Effective Communication between Pharmacists and Patients - Mohammed khamees Al Otaibi, Abdullah Omar Albedah, Bassam Ali AlDuwairij, Ma’an Mohammad Ali Altaf, Mansoor Abdulrahman Alghazi, Sultan Marwaee Meashi - IJIRMPS Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2015.