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Call for Paper Volume 13 Issue 2 March-April 2025 Submit your research for publication

The Contribution of Lab Tests and Breathing Functions Assessment to the Rehabilitation of Patients with Swallowing Disorders Following Treatments of Head and Neck Cancer

Authors: Nouf S. Almulaik, Manal A. Alkhunaizan, Ali E. Alanazi, Tariq I. Almalki, Majed A. Alzahrani, Mohammed A. Shujaa, Yasser B. Alsowailem, Abdullah M. Alboaimi, Manar R. Alrashid


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Abstract: Background: Dysphagia is one of the most troublesome complications in patients with head and neck cancer which has implications on their recovery and quality of life. This paper aims to determine the utility of the fusion of the telemetry facial thermogram, laboratory tests and spirometry in the management of dysphagia.

Methods: This longitudinal, observational study included 100 patients who had completed head neck oncological treatment at a tertiary care institution. They were periodically assessed for serum albumin levels, C-reactive protein, MIP/MEP, and barium swallow videography assessment (VFSS) once every three months over eight periods for twelve months.

Results: In relation to patient reductions in dysphagia assessment, patient improvement of serum albumin level, respiratory pressure (MIP and MEP) and clinical improvement of video fluoroscopic swallow study (VFSS) were positive and significant statistically among the patients (p < 0.05). Swallowing recovery was highly correlated with serum albumin clearance, reinforcing our hypothesis that albumin is suggestive of a change in risk, or an improvement in rehabilitation progression.

Conclusions: This study recommends the use of routine laboratory and respiratory function assessment to help modify rehabilitation dysphagic processes among patients treated for head and neck cancer. Such assessments may lead to better management, recovery and rehabilitation from dysphagia among head and neck cancer patients.

Keywords: Dysphagia, Head and Neck Cancer, Rehabilitation, Laboratory Tests, Respiratory Function, Serum Albumin, Patient Outcomes.

Paper Id: 231522

Published On: 2022-01-05

Published In: Volume 10, Issue 1, January-February 2022

Cite This: The Contribution of Lab Tests and Breathing Functions Assessment to the Rehabilitation of Patients with Swallowing Disorders Following Treatments of Head and Neck Cancer - Nouf S. Almulaik, Manal A. Alkhunaizan, Ali E. Alanazi, Tariq I. Almalki, Majed A. Alzahrani, Mohammed A. Shujaa, Yasser B. Alsowailem, Abdullah M. Alboaimi, Manar R. Alrashid - IJIRMPS Volume 10, Issue 1, January-February 2022. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.14043635

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