Patient and Family Perceptions of the Role of Social Work in Dysphagia Rehabilitation: A Qualitative Study
Authors: Nouf S. Almulaik, Abdullah M. Alboaimi, Shahad H. Almaqary, Hani M. Alenezi
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Country: Saudi Arabia
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Abstract: This study explores the role of social workers in supporting caregivers of patients with dysphagia, focusing on how education and social support can improve management. We used a qualitative approach, involving 20 caregivers at a tertiary hospital, to gather in-depth insights into their experiences. Through semi-structured interviews, we found that targeted education and support significantly boosted caregiver knowledge, confidence, and reduced their burden. Caregivers also reported better communication with healthcare professionals, leading to improved patient outcomes. However, challenges such as long-term implementation and the need for ongoing support were noted. This study emphasizes the importance of sustainable, personalized caregiver interventions for effective dysphagia management.
Keywords: Dysphagia, Caregiver Education, Social Support, Multidisciplinary Care, Caregiver Burden, Patient Outcomes
Paper Id: 231553
Published On: 2015-07-08
Published In: Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2015
Cite This: Patient and Family Perceptions of the Role of Social Work in Dysphagia Rehabilitation: A Qualitative Study - Nouf S. Almulaik, Abdullah M. Alboaimi, Shahad H. Almaqary, Hani M. Alenezi - IJIRMPS Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2015. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.14066058