Diagnostic Pathways in Healthcare Professions: Understanding Patient Evaluation and Treatment Planning
Authors: Majed Mohammed Safhi, Hassan Mohamed Assiri, Ahmad Ganeed Ghorab, Ahmed Abdullah Ahmed, Mohammed Ahmed Mahanshi, Asem Ahmad Robaidi
Country: Saudi Arabia
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Abstract: Diagnostic pathways in healthcare professions play a crucial role in understanding patient evaluation and treatment planning. These pathways provide a structured approach to identifying, diagnosing, and treating various health conditions. This essay explores the importance of diagnostic pathways in healthcare professions, with a focus on patient evaluation and treatment planning. The methodological approach involves reviewing relevant literature on diagnostic pathways and analyzing key findings to enhance understanding. The discussion highlights the significance of a well-defined diagnostic pathway in improving patient outcomes and healthcare quality. Ultimately, this essay underscores the importance of healthcare professionals' understanding of diagnostic pathways to enhance patient care.
Keywords: Diagnostic Pathways, Patient Evaluation, Treatment Planning, Healthcare Professions
Paper Id: 231668
Published On: 2021-02-02
Published In: Volume 9, Issue 1, January-February 2021
Cite This: Diagnostic Pathways in Healthcare Professions: Understanding Patient Evaluation and Treatment Planning - Majed Mohammed Safhi, Hassan Mohamed Assiri, Ahmad Ganeed Ghorab, Ahmed Abdullah Ahmed, Mohammed Ahmed Mahanshi, Asem Ahmad Robaidi - IJIRMPS Volume 9, Issue 1, January-February 2021.