Mobile Commerce
Authors: Sabna Padikkal
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Country: India
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Abstract: The importance of mobile commerce (m-commerce) in the e-commerce business has been tremendous so far and the future predictions seems to be on a growth track as well. Mobile commerce has definitely revolutionized the e-commerce space. Mobile Commerce, or m-Commerce, is about the explosion of applications and services that are becoming accessible from Internet-enabled mobile devices. It involves new technologies, services and business models. It is quite different from traditional e-Commerce. Mobile phones impose very different constraints than desktop computers. But they also open the door to a slew of new applications and services. They follow you wherever you go, making it possible to look for a nearby restaurant, stay in touch with colleagues, or pay for items at a store.
Keywords: mobile commerce, m-commerce, e-commerce, online store, online shopping, e-shopping
Paper Id: 279
Published On: 2015-10-15
Published In: Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2015
Cite This: Mobile Commerce - Sabna Padikkal - IJIRMPS Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2015. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/RVQ2F