Reducing Accidents and Producing Electricity of Road Crossings by using a New and Advanced Hydraulic based Continuously Variable Transmission System
Authors: Saurav Kumar, Himanshu Kumar Pathak
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Country: India
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Traffic junction accounts for half of the road deaths in India. The annual accident report also highlights the need for better designing of such junction. To overcome this problem, we have developed an efficient way of reducing accidents on traffic junctions and using the same mechanism to generate electricity.
This idea uses well programmed smart barriers synchronised with traffic lights, which functions with change in colour of traffic lights and prevents the vehicles to cross the roads, when signal is red. Since vehicles stop for about 30 seconds at road crossing, so we are making the vehicles to stop on a platform(synced with traffic lights) of height about 1m. Due to gravitational force between vehicles and earth, the platform will come down at the ground level then vehicles can pass the road crossing, when signal turns green. When, the platform will come down, it generates electricity with the help of a mechanism which uses rack and pinion gear, our newly designed CVT (Continuously Varying Transmission), a system of hydraulics, and dynamo. And when there will be no vehicle on the platform, the platform will go up with the help of the springs.
And again, when the signal turns red, the platform will again come up and the vehicles will go up on the platform and the same process will again continue.
As a result, a single traffic crossing can generate electricity 120 KWh/day. This system can also be installed at toll booths and petrol pumps.
Keywords: traffic crossings, smart barriers,electricity,new designed and advance hydraulic based CVT
Paper Id: 284
Published On: 2018-05-28
Published In: Volume 6, Issue 3, May-June 2018
Cite This: Reducing Accidents and Producing Electricity of Road Crossings by using a New and Advanced Hydraulic based Continuously Variable Transmission System - Saurav Kumar, Himanshu Kumar Pathak - IJIRMPS Volume 6, Issue 3, May-June 2018. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/762HU