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Applying Social Psychology: From Problem to Solution on Myanmar Community Conflicts

Authors: Ma Tin Cho Mar


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Country: Malaysia

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Abstract: The paper aims to find out possible solutions to the ‘hatred’ and ‘ethnic cleansing’ operations going on in Myanmar. Myanmar, the largest country in mainland Southeast Asia, is bordered by India to the west and China to the east. Drawing on works in the field of social and political instability, this study shows how ethnic cleansing has become a controversial issue in Myanmar and Myanmar Government policies to create the bulk of urban poor who are the victims of hatred and ethnic cleansing. It also discloses how certain structural features of the social and political system, including the power of the security forces and the business sector are facilitating and perpetrating, perhaps even encouraging the violence.

The study provides accounts of the social and ideological make-up of both the victims and the perpetrators of hatred and ‘ethnic cleansing’. It argues that the victims are targeted not because of their political views or activities, but because they are perceived as bearers of unwelcomed attributes, such as poverty, criminality and ill-health. It shows that many of the perpetrators of ‘ethnic cleansing’ are state agents, often members of the National Police or of paramilitary groups that operate with official license and backing. Members of the business sector are also deeply mixed up in the violence. Lastly, this study shapes two principal reasons for the persistence of hatred and ‘ethnic cleansing’: the failure to bring the perpetrators to justice and the matter on intentional violence, death, destruction and harm to a community, in part or in whole, simply because of some people’s religious faith, ethnicity or belief. Finally, the paper tries to proffer a lasting solution to the avoidable and preventable problems by applying a psychological solution through the use of path model developed by Buunk and Van Vugt (2007).

Keywords: Myanmar, Rohingya, Poor, Hatred, Negative thinking, Love, Positive Thinking, Tolerence

Paper Id: 285

Published On: 2018-09-05

Published In: Volume 6, Issue 5, September-October 2018

Cite This: Applying Social Psychology: From Problem to Solution on Myanmar Community Conflicts - Ma Tin Cho Mar - IJIRMPS Volume 6, Issue 5, September-October 2018. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/RPXBJ

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