A Study on Customer Satisfaction on the Calcium Brands in Animal Feed in Gujarat
Authors: Raja Mukherjee, Baxi B O
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/GCYT3
Short DOI: https://doi.org/ggnq87
Country: India
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Abstract: Abstract: India is country of farmers and in this industry various companies are working. Animal feed is one of these industry, where domestic as well as multinational companies are working. This research paper is aim to know the customers satisfaction of customers towards the calcium brands in animal feed. For this purpose, research collect data from farmers who are using calcium as animal feed and tried to find out satisfaction on calcium brands on various parameters like value for money, availability of brand, and satisfaction on information about usages of brand. Researchers found that customers are satisfied, but there are still certain area where farmers are looking for better services. Research end this research with conclusion and suggesting various ways to companies to improve customers’ satisfaction.
Keywords: Key Words: Animal feed, Customers Satisfaction, Brand.
Paper Id: 298
Published On: 2015-09-21
Published In: Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2015
Cite This: A Study on Customer Satisfaction on the Calcium Brands in Animal Feed in Gujarat - Raja Mukherjee, Baxi B O - IJIRMPS Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2015. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/GCYT3