Virtual Learning Knowledge of the College Students in Relation to their E-Library Attitude in Salem District
Authors: M Senthil Kumar, Dr P Vaiyapuri Raja
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Abstract: Educators are becoming aware that open, unguided asynchronous online discussion forums can be very ineffective. Students will not give open-ended discussions their time and attention if they are not directed at specific learning or assessment activities. Most online learning management systems support collaborative learning and small group work, which are widely recognized as desirable educational practices. Since college students are such a wide users of the technology, it is important to examine the Virtual Learning Knowledge and their attitude of college students towards e- Library. Normative survey method has been used in the present investigation. The following tools have been used in the present investigation. Virtual Learning Knowledge Test (VLKT) constructed and validated by Senthil kumar, M., and Vaiyapuriraja, P., (2015) and e- Library Attitude Scale (e-LAS) constructed and validated by Senthil kumar, M., and Vaiyapuriraja, P., (2015). Random sampling technique has been used in the present investigation. As many as 1000 college students studying in the colleges situated in the Salem district of Tamilnadu, India. The following statistical technique has been employed in the present investigation (a) Percentage analysis, (b) Descriptive analysis, (c) Differential analysis and (d) Correlational analysis. Also the study has revealed that majority of college students were having an average level of virtual learning knowledge and an neutral e - Library attitude. Thus these college students can be given the aspects in the recommendations with the facilities available to enhance the virtual learning knowledge and e- Library attitude which helps them to equip themselves to face globalization of world.
Keywords: Virtual learning knowledge, Attitude towards e-library and College students.
Paper Id: 316
Published On: 2015-05-10
Published In: Volume 3, Issue 3, May-June 2015
Cite This: Virtual Learning Knowledge of the College Students in Relation to their E-Library Attitude in Salem District - M Senthil Kumar, Dr P Vaiyapuri Raja - IJIRMPS Volume 3, Issue 3, May-June 2015. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/8JWEX