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Proposed Algorithms of Routing in new class of Modified Alpha Network

Authors: Amardeep Gupta


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Abstract: Routing is a technique to transfer information between source and destination in a network. Routing is of two types i.e. static routing and dynamic routing.Routing in a dynamic INs involves choosing alternative paths in place of faulty paths. In a multicomputer network routing can be done through centralized or distributed control. In this paper Fault Tolerance of the proposed MIN Modified Alpha Network (MALN) has been evaluated.. All the path lengths available from source to destination have been analysed. The algorithms have been proposed to counter the faults in MALN.

Keywords: Algorithms of Routing, Fault Tolerance, Path Lengths in MIN, Redundancy Graph, Types of Routing

Paper Id: 32

Published On: 2014-11-08

Published In: Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2014

Cite This: Proposed Algorithms of Routing in new class of Modified Alpha Network - Amardeep Gupta - IJIRMPS Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2014. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/EKYZG

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