International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences
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Call for Paper Volume 12 Issue 2 March-April 2024 Submit your research for publication

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Recruitment and its Benefits

Authors: Sri R Lakshmi Manthena


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Abstract: In the past, artificial intelligence may have been thought to be a product of science invention; most professionals today understand that the adoption of smart technology is actively changing their jobs. Artificial Intelligence is technologies that makes or recommend actions based on previously collected data.
Today organizations understand the importance of AI; the HR department is not left behind the race. The HR professionals today are focusing to optimize the combination of human and automated work to gain a simple, logical, and automatic work environment. As far as recruitment is concerned there is huge support that AI brings in, especially when you are hiring in volume. AI has helped us in improving the quality of hire and reducing the recruitment error, and it is not just in recruitment but various other functions that are looking at how AI can support their initiatives. In terms of human resources management, artificial intelligence can be applied in many different ways to streamline processes and improve efficiency of the organizational performance, in this competitive business world. To compete with AI, the HR department should re-transfer their workforce in understanding the AI and its collaboration. AI is an emerging trend in every organization.
The Main Aim of this study is to critically analyze the impact that Artificial Intelligence (AI) on recruitment in organizations and what are their benefits. The primary data has been collected through a Google form by using Likert five point scale questionnaire and forwarded to IT employees, Simple Convenient non probability sampling method is used to secondary data also collected from articles and reports to establish some of the outcomes of the impact of AI on Recruitment. One-way ANOVA is used to compare the artificial intelligence based on recruitment with performance indicating variables namely reliability, such as time and cost saving, accuracy, removes partiality, reduced workload, increased productivity, and candidate knowledge. There is a positive association between the recruitment and artificial intelligence.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Human Resources Management, Technology, Employee Performance

Paper Id: 2.32

Published On: 2021-09-10

Published In: Special Issue - Rishi's Online National Conference on "Management Perspectives for Quality Outlook in the Post COVID Era" (RONC-MPQOPCE) (September 2021)

Cite This: Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Recruitment and its Benefits - Sri R Lakshmi Manthena - IJIRMPS Special Issue - Rishi's Online National Conference on "Management Perspectives for Quality Outlook in the Post COVID Era" (RONC-MPQOPCE) (September 2021). DOI 10.37082/IJIRMPS.2021.v09si05.013

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