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Densities of Muzekah and Dead Chicken

Authors: Abdallah Belal Adam


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Country: Saudi Arabia

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Abstract: Halal meat products have two billion consumers worldwide, and which are growing annually by more than 20%. However, there is no intelligence device or a specific mechanism available for consumers to check whether the meat is Muzekah or not? Seven hundred years ago it was stated that"if a municipal employee has doubts over the meat whether it is Halal or not, he should test it in water; Halal meat (Muzekah) sinks in water whereas non-halal meat (meat of deceased animal) floats over water. He should also cast a piece of the meat on hot coal, and if it sticks to the coal then it is Halal (Muzekah), and if it did not stick then it is from a deceased animal. The aim of this study is to validate this statement by analyzing why the Muzekah meat sinks in water and sticks onto the hot coals, in order to identify a suitable detecting mechanism that can differentiate between the meats produced by Muzekah and other methods of slaughtering. The density, water holding capacity (WHC) and aerobic plate counts (APC) were measured and used to validate and justify the statement. We have measured the average densities of chickens that were killed by three different methods: Muzekah, which means slaughtered within the fulfillment of Islamic requirements; Slaughtering (SWP), which means slaughtered without pronouncing the name of Allah, and Dead, which means died without slaughtering. Chicken meats obtained from these three methods of killings and commercially available chicken meats from local company in KSA have showed significant variations in the average densities. It was found that the Muzekah meat and fresh fish have higher average densities than water. Thus both of them sink in water. The substance sinks in the liquid if it is denser than the liquid. It was also found that Muzekah meats have low WHC compared to other types of meat with significant values. While higher WHC is observed in the meat of dead chicken and causes it to absorb the heat of the hot coal and puts it off without sticking to it. While Muzekah meat has low WHC and thus does not put off the hot coal, but instead sticks to it. On the other hand, the low APC of Muzekah meat means that it is clean, healthy and dense, and thus it sinks in water. The obtained results significantly validated, confirmed and supported the statement about the sinking ability of Muzekah meat. This sinking ability is innovative and a simple detecting mechanism that can differentiate between Muzekah meat and meats slaughtered using other methods and will serve the demands of Muslim communities and humanity in general.

Keywords: Muzekah, halal meat, slaughtering chicken

Paper Id: 324

Published On: 2015-01-01

Published In: Volume 3, Issue 1, January-February 2015

Cite This: Densities of Muzekah and Dead Chicken - Abdallah Belal Adam - IJIRMPS Volume 3, Issue 1, January-February 2015. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/V4SKW

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