Exergy Analysis of Recuperated and Air Precooled Cogeneration Systems
Authors: Rabi Karaali
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/7KNXD
Short DOI: https://doi.org/ggngs2
Country: Türkiye
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Abstract: In our study, air-fuel preheated cogeneration cycle, and inlet air cooling by using absorption cooling cogeneration cycle are evaluated with respect to energy efficiency (energy utilization factor), exergetic efficiency, electric and heat power, electric-heat energy rate, fuel energy saving ratio and artificial thermal efficiency. Those methods are compared with each other. In these analyses, the thermodynamic parameters such as compressing ratio, air and fuel mass ratio and compressor inlet temperatures of the cycles are used. It is concluded that these parameters can be listed from most effective to least effective as air fuel ratio, compression ratio and compressor inlet temperature. It is also concluded that the better cycle is found to be the air-fuel preheated cycle for obtaining more electric power and less heat power.
Keywords: Cogeneration, exerg, air-fuel preheated, inlet air cooling
Paper Id: 440
Published On: 2019-01-11
Published In: Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February 2019
Cite This: Exergy Analysis of Recuperated and Air Precooled Cogeneration Systems - Rabi Karaali - IJIRMPS Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February 2019. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/7KNXD