Mobility Management and Performance Statistics in Cellular Communication
Authors: C Ufuah, K O Tanno
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Country: Nigeria
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Abstract: This study presents and examines a management model of cellular mobility protocols and the performance of some of its parameters for optimal spectral efficiency of the mobile communication system. Mobility management enables the networks to track the location of mobile nodes. Location management encompasses location registration and call delivery or paging. With the convergence of the internet and wireless mobile communications and with the rapid growth in the number of mobile subscribers, mobility management emerges as one of the most important and challenging problems for wireless mobile communication over the internet. This work is presented on the platform of an analytical framework that can enhance considerably the mobility mechanism in wireless network. Some advance schemes namely, guard channels, and handover queuing are discussed . All these prioritization schemes have a common characteristic reducing the call dropping probability at the expense of increased call blocking probability. The mobility management scheme addressed latency in the service delivery enhancing the guaranteed quality of service (QoS) and an efficient and robust channel capacity.
Keywords: Cellular Network, Quality of Service, Mobile Network, Network Coverage, Call Drop, Cell Handover, Wireless Communication
Paper Id: 795
Published On: 2020-11-05
Published In: Volume 8, Issue 6, November-December 2020
Cite This: Mobility Management and Performance Statistics in Cellular Communication - C Ufuah, K O Tanno - IJIRMPS Volume 8, Issue 6, November-December 2020. DOI 10.37082/IJIRMPS.2020.v08i06.002