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Call for Paper Volume 12 Issue 6 November-December 2024 Submit your research for publication

Wireless Communication using VLC and MIMO Technology

Authors: Nitesh Gupta


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Country: India

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Abstract: Due to the rapid growths in Light Emitting Diodes, VLC (Visible Light Communication) has received a great attention in last years. Our main aim of this research work is to build the wireless VLC (Visible Light Communication) system which should be able to transmit the data in-between two computers with the use of a visible light. We are using an LED array as the transmitter, Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) as the receiver component and air as the transmission medium. In both the transmitter and receiver modules, we are using Arduino UNO microcontroller board. Two computers have been used to interface the software to the hardware with the help of Arduino IDE installed to both of them. If we want to check the performance of VLC system with MIMO, commercial optical system simulation software called OptiSystem7.0 from Optiwave can be used. The layout diagram for both SISO (Single Input Single Output) and MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) communication has been generated and has been run and the BER (Bit Error Rate) performance is being analyzed. FSO (Free Space Optical) communication channel is used as transmission medium for both SISO and MIMO. Data transmission and reception for 100 meters is done using OptiSystem software. The eye diagram of BER analyzer showed that the maximum quality factor of MIMO is relatively large when compared to SISO.

Keywords: SISO (Single Input Single Output), Visible Light Communication (VLC), Light Emitting Diode (LED), Arduino, MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output).

Paper Id: 848

Published On: 2020-12-28

Published In: Volume 8, Issue 6, November-December 2020

Cite This: Wireless Communication using VLC and MIMO Technology - Nitesh Gupta - IJIRMPS Volume 8, Issue 6, November-December 2020. DOI 10.37082/IJIRMPS.2020.v08i06.012

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