A Review on Current Trends in Hybrid Manufacturing and its Techniques
Authors: Tirukovalluru Venukumar, G. Kalivarathan
Country: India
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Abstract: All assembling industry has invested persistent amounts of energy for its endurance in the ongoing imprudent and serious economy. In the request to deal with the basic circumstance for cutthroat climate, producers are attempting to execute new and creative methods in their assembling cycle by making it more successful and proficient. A definite writing review has been directed to recognize the lean practices in different assembling industry. The outcomes uncovered that the situation with Lean Assembling (LM) execution in still in flourishing stage. This paper will be further helping the associations to further develop its process & nature of item, adjust it to the prerequisites of its clients and steady commitment to assembling area to upgrade quality, efficiency, cost and intensity is enormous.
Keywords: Advanced Manufacturing, Current Trends, Assembly Manufacturing
Paper Id: 230132
Published On: 2023-05-22
Published In: Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023
Cite This: A Review on Current Trends in Hybrid Manufacturing and its Techniques - Tirukovalluru Venukumar, G. Kalivarathan - IJIRMPS Volume 11, Issue 3, May-June 2023.